Addiction Treatment Centers Five Points
Different Types of Addiction
Two types of addiction are recognized by experts today. Chemical addiction is the condition where an individual abuses dangerous substances, such as alcohol or drugs. A second kind of addiction that medical professionals have recognized is called behavioral addiction. It is defined as compulsive, repetitive and persistent behavior an individual has which can negatively impact other aspects of one's life. A form of behavior addiction is gambling, where the addict gets dopamine when they win. American Psychiatric Association classifies gambling disorder as an addictive disorder. Studies show that addiction to gambling can cause brain swelling in the same manner as addiction to drugs. The treatment for gambling disorders is usually included with drug and alcohol abuse. Gambling, which can appear to be easy money but quickly cause financial ruin, is among the most perverse human vices. No matter if you are playing blackjack, poker or any other game, the odds of winning are not in your favour. Gambling has a lot to offer because the house wins every time. Different gambling addictions exist. Gambling is an extremely diverse industry. Sometimes it is difficult to tell if someone is gambling addicted. The act of gambling does not have to be restricted to slots machines, casinos or cards. There are many forms of gambling, including buying lottery tickets or entering raffles. When a person believes they're in financial trouble and cannot fix their problems, gambling addiction may develop. Gambling addiction almost always causes a downward spiral in which the individual feels that they need to make up their lost money. This cycle continues until the person seeks rehabilitation. A gambler can become addicted to gambling by taking high-stakes bets that sometimes pay off. The person suffering from this addiction should have the will to change their behavior and not be influenced by family members or close friends. Call our Hotline at if you want to quit gambling or have questions about where to start. Anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and other emotional symptoms can often be caused by excessive gambling. Extreme situations may cause a gambler's thoughts to lead them to attempt suicide. Many people feel completely helpless if they lose everything due to gambling.
Sex addiction:
Famous people often admit that they have a sex addiction. However, obsessive desire to sex is it a true addiction? You might have a problem. Although not considered an addiction, there are many treatment options. The American Psychological Associtaion had considered including "hypersexuality disorder" in its fifth edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. However, it rejected that idea. Sex abuse symptoms, such as loss of control and inability to accept the risks and consequences of sexual activity, can be compared with traditional addictions. To give you a better idea, "sex abuse" can be described as the compulsive urge to engage in sexual acts to obtain the "fix" someone who has an alcohol-use disorder (or someone who uses opiates) gets. Sex addiction can lead to serious problems in relationships and be very dangerous for some. As with drug and alcohol dependence, it can have negative consequences on one's mental and physical health as well as their personal relationships and quality of life. While it may be common, statistics don't support this claim. Others argue that it is rarely diagnosed. A person suffering from sex abuse will likely seek out several sex partners. However, it's not necessarily indicative of a disorder. Some people report that sex addiction can manifest as a compulsive need for masturbation, pornography viewing, and/or being in sexually stimulating situations. Sex addicts can alter the way they live and act, and may be unable or unwilling to change their behaviors, regardless of severe adverse consequences.
General Principles of Addiction
Understanding the basic principles of addiction is crucial before one can dive into further detail on each type of addiction.
Corrupted Rewards System
Brain function can be affected by the functioning of your reward system. Addiction is a problem and can be directed associated with the corruption of an individual’s reward system. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that produces pleasure and other chemicals. Contrary to common belief, dopamine is not believed to produce pleasure or euphoria. Dopamine may increase brain associations between specific items and pleasure. Dopamine is chemical which will make you want to find those items more often which can lead to addiction.
Tolerance & Cravings
It is a common misconception that those suffering from addiction are more dependent on dopamine than certain drugs and activities. Dopamine is released when you have positive experiences, such as using drugs or engaging in certain activities. Your brain will be become more focused on trying to re-experience that feeling because of this release which often results in a stronger memory of what you experienced. You may be prompted to try to relive the experience by taking drugs or looking for other ways to experience it. The underlying cause of the behavior is the drug or the activity. Although dopamine may not be the cause of all addictions, it is thought that its motivational properties play an important role. Dopamine is released by your reward center of your brain when you experience pleasurable feelings. The reward center is closely connected to motivation and memory. Your brain retains the trigger factors for positive feelings, such as substances or behaviours, and releases dopamine into reward centers' pathways. You can also recall other parts of the environment, such as time and place. These environmental cues can be used to help an individual feel that similar desire to find the same pleasure. It can become incredibly strong, making it difficult for many Five Points and Texas residents to resist this urge.
Loss of Interest
A lot of addicts lose interest in hobbies and activities that they used to love. Dopamine is no longer produced in the brain when they are doing activities they once enjoyed. This is because the reward system part of the brain has been corrupted and now only craves a high produced by certain substances or activities the individual has become addicted to.
Loss Of Control
A person suffering from addiction may not be able or willing to give up certain drugs. These can have profound effects on the individual’s life such a loss in career ambitions, addiction-related health problems and even relationship difficulties. Luckily there are treatment options available for people based in Five Points and Texas which can help you if you are struggling with addiction, or if someone you love is in danger. Call 800-943-0581 for local expert advice.
Five Points General Health Services
Anger Management and Exercise Counselling are just a few of the other ancillary services available to Five Points residents. You can lower your chances of developing cancer by adopting a healthy lifestyle. This includes regular exercise, eating right and quitting smoking. The recommended screening guidelines should be followed to detect any cancers early.
Healthy Lifestyle Counselling
The healthy diet means a varied and balanced food intake that promotes good health, weight maintenance and supports overall well-being. The goal of healthy diet counseling is to increase intakes of whole grains and fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Diet counseling aims to lower salt, saturated and transfats, as well as sugar. The broad definition of physical activity is any activity that promotes, maintains, or improves one’s physical health. An adult should exercise 150-75 minutes each week in aerobic activities of moderate or vigorous intensity. It is recommended that strength training activities be done at least once per week. The technique of behavior counseling helps individuals change their behaviors. You can use it to set goals or monitor your behavior. Motivating interviewing is a method which is used in Five Points. Motivational interviewing is a practice conducted by primary care physicians in Five Points. A diet counselor will be certified specialist in coaching lifestyle or behavioral methods.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Nicotine, the principal addictive component in tobacco smokes, is responsible for its addiction. Nicotine is an addictive ingredient in tobacco. Many body parts become used to it. When someone quits smoking, they will feel withdrawal symptoms. You will experience withdrawal symptoms because your body has to adapt to nicotine withdrawal. Tobacco smoke can cause physical dependence. If a person attempts quit smoking, it can cause withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is nicotine, which can be in the form of patches or sprays. This therapy does not contain any toxic chemicals. Some withdrawal symptoms may be helped by NRT. You are able to concentrate on the psychological (emotional) aspect of quitting. NRT (nicotine replacement therapy) is one of the most well-known methods to quit smoking. NRT is a method that reduces withdrawal symptoms. You are given small amounts nicotine without the side effects of smoking. NRT can be used to curb your nicotine cravings. It also reduces the urge to smoke. Doctors and other medical professionals believe that NRT is the best option for those who wish to quit smoking. Some smokers may have mild and moderate side effects. Nicotine Replacement Therapy has been proven safe and effective in research. NRT can be an important part of any smokers' strategy to quitting smoking. NRT is available in many formats and uses. There are many types of NRT available. The choice is yours to decide which form you want. NRT products can work for certain people better than others. Some people may prefer NRT products than others. Although most people are capable of quitting smoking, not all do so successfully. Quitting smoking can be difficult for people. People who have quit smoking on their own often return to the habit within the first few months. Withdrawal symptoms are usually the reason. Good news: Many people are able to succeed. NRT can be combined with support services to help you quit smoking. Call 800-943-0581 to learn more about NRT in your area.
Eating Disorders
People often believe eating disorders can be lifestyle choices. Eating disorders may lead to serious, fatal illnesses. Eating disorders can cause severe eating changes, mental and emotional problems, as well. Eating disorders can also include a concern for food, body, and shape. Bulimia-nervosa, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia–nervosa can be common eating disorders. All ages are susceptible to eating disorders. While eating disorders are more prevalent in the teen years and young adulthoods, it can also happen later in life or in childhood. Although both genders are susceptible, the incidences are greater in women than in men. Like women who have eating disorders, males can feel deformed and unhappy about their bodies. You should immediately treat any eating disorder. Eating disorders may lead to depression, suicide, or other health problems. Eating disorders often accompany other mental disorders like anxiety and depression. There is hope for complete recovery.
Some patients with Anorexia Nervosa may feel overweight when they actually are dangerously underweight. People with Anorexia Nervosa are often obese and may restrict what they eat, limit their exercise or resort to laxatives when trying to lose weight. Anorexia is the most serious mental disorder. Anorexia is a fatal mental disorder. Many sufferers die from complications of starvation.
Bulimia nervosa refers to a pattern of eating excessive amounts of food, feeling overwhelmed and having recurring episodes. Many times, binging can be followed by compensatory behavior such as fasting (forced vomiting), excessive diuretics and laxatives, fasting or exercise. The patients with bulgimia nervosa can be mildly overweight or normal.
Compulsive eating
Binge-eating disorder is a condition that makes it difficult to control their eating behavior. Contrary to the belief of Bulimia Nervesa binging is not associated with exercise, fasting or excess exercise. Binge-eating disorder sufferers are usually overweight or obese. Binge-eating disorder is America’s most popular eating disorder. If you or a loved one is experiencing an eating disorder, call us on 800-943-0581 and we can assist you.
HIV / AIDS Risks
Infections that might have occurred due to HIV/hepatitis, tuberculosis, or other conditions should be checked in patients in rehabilitation programs. The HIV epidemic began in the 1970s and has seen drug addiction and abuse become a major cause of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV/AIDS is a result of many factors including addiction. HIV is contracted when someone comes in contact with bodily fluids containing the virus. Ingestion of infected bloodstream fluids, or tissue damage can lead to HIV. HIV is most commonly contracted through dangerous or unsafe sexual behaviors. Persons who have had to deal with drugs are more likely to engage in risky or dangerous sexual activity with people who may also be suffering from the disease. HIV transmission can occur through intravenous drug abuse and needle sharing. Meth addiction and Heroin addicts are known to share needles. HIV is an infection that makes the immune system resistant to treatment. This virus makes these cells infective by producing viruses that can then spread to other cells. If this is not addressed, it can result in AIDS. AIDS may lead to a reduction in your body's resistance against disease. Although AIDS is the final stage for HIV-infected persons, many will not develop it. Abusing drugs or alcohol can worsen HIV. HIV already attacks the immune system by drug abuse. The abuse of drugs may cause cognitive impairment and cellular damage. It causes the disease to progress faster than without drugs.
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